Fortunately, it is possible for you and me to enjoy the beauty of original oil paintings in our own homes by getting a replica done. Many companies have skilled artists recreating the magic of these grandmasters. These companies have extensive art galleries that you can browse through to select a favorite painting. Then they commission skilled artists to paint the particular work of art a client requires.
You may also select the media on which you want the painting done. Oil paintings on canvas are by far the most popular media used for recreating the works of master artists. This is simply because oil paintings last longer than the rest. Also, oil paints can capture the mellow glow and beauty of the original best.
Once you have identified the painting or the artist you favor, all you need to do is choose a preferred size for your painting. Finished hand painted oil paintings are then shipped to your address. These packages are packed very carefully so they do not get damaged in any way.
Many companies also have stock replicas of masterpieces that they will sell to you at a rebate. You may choose from an extensive selection of paintings segregated according to artists, genre or styles. You may select abstracts, moderns, impressionistic or post impressionistic styles. If that does not make much sense to you, just choose from a wide array of landscapes, portraits, colorful floral or breathtaking waterfronts. You may also browse through works of master artists like Gustav Klimt, Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh etc. You will even get hand painted recreations of museum masterpieces by maestros like Da Vinci and Monet.
Through hand painted recreations of original oil paintings, you have a wonderful opportunity to explore and own the exciting world of classic oil paintings. You no longer need to worry about the price because these replicas are priced very affordably, even though the amount of work that goes into their making is considerable. So, get your living room a beautiful Monet and enjoy a piece of history right in your home.